
Longhurst Group

Supporting one of the largest housing groups in the Midlands and East of England with Fire Risk Assessments across a portfolio of more than 800 properties.

Longhurst Group


The project

As an organisation that put people first, Longhurst Group wanted to work in collaboration with a fire safety partner that is experienced and shares the vision to keep residents safe from the risk of fire.

With a diverse selection of properties including general needs, sheltered and supported housing and care, Longhurst Group wanted to establish and build a long-term relationship with an experienced and competent fire safety organisation that could support their broad portfolio.

Our solution

FCS Cloud supported Longhurst Group to conduct their Fire Risk Assessments.

Impressed by the approach, pilot scheme and live portal functionality, FCS-live were appointed to conduct all Fire Risk Assessments across the entire programme. FCS Cloud continues to provide Longhurst Group with an intuitive Dashboard that provides a live overview of the building risk status across the Group portfolio. This supports Longhurst Group to monitor progress on outstanding actions and risk meters and to stay updated with real-time Fire Risk Assessments.

The result

Longhurst Group can demonstrate the significant fire safety progress achieved and the agreement with FCS-live as fire safety partners has been extended into the future.

With instant access to fire safety data, Longhurst Group are in complete control of their fire safety management with just a click of a button.

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Since working with FCS-live we are better focused and now have the ability to clearly identify and plan our fire safety arrangements across our properties.

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- Longhurst Group


Lindenmuth House, 37 Lindenmuth Way,
Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire, RG19 6HW